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Bowing Down

by | Jan 23, 2025 | Faith in Action | 0 comments

Painting by James Tissot (1836-1902), “The Perfume of the Magdalene” Mary Magdalene bowing down before Jesus, anointing Him with precious perfume, and washing His feet with her tears.

“Come let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” David in Psalm 95:6


About a year ago, I took a Hebrew course at Wesley Seminary. Such a beautiful language! During my studies, I learned in Hebrew Scripture, the word שָׁחָה, (pronounced shaw-khaw) means “to bow down” and is often translated as “to worship.” So reading Psalm 95:6, I was curious if two different Hebrew words were used for “come let us worship and bow down.” Sure enough, they’re different! כָּרַע (pronounced kara) also means to bow down.

After further research, I learned that shaw-khaw, beyond bowing down, means to depress or lower one’s self, to show homage to a king, to humbly beseech. [1] While the word, kara, is used primarily to depict the physical action of prostrating one’s self or sinking down to knees in reverence. [2]

Again the word to kneel, בָּרַךְ (pronounced baw-rak) primarily means to bless as an act of adoration and submission. [3]

“Come and shaw-khaw, and kara, and baw-rak before the Lord our Maker.”

You might be thinking to yourself by now, “Mitch, what’s the point?!” Here it is. David seems to poetically suggest that our body and our heart should be in unison! Physical kara, is connected to inner shaw-khaw. Falling to your knees should be an outward sign of an inward falling in love with God and blessing Him with your attention, affection, and devotion.

Don’t get it twisted… Of course you can physically kneel and bow down with a heart far from God. As verses Psalm 95:8-12 suggest:

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as on that day at Massah in the wilderness where your fathers tested me; they tried me, though they had seen what I did. For forty years I was disgusted with that generation; I said, “they are a people whose hearts go astray; they do not know my ways. So I swore in my anger, ‘they will not enter my rest.”

Heavy words from the Lord who sees the heart.

Do you ever feel hard-hearted? Do you ever feel like it’s so hard for you to stay and pray, even one hour? Do you find yourself running back to the same sins over and over even though you know it’s wrong? I know how you feel well. You are not alone, yet I want to declare over you, you do NOT have to be stuck in that place!

This semester at Wesley Seminary, I am taking a soteriology course, the study of salvation and how faith plays out in our Christian formation and sanctification. I’ve been reading a book called the Absolute Basics of the Wesleyan Way by Phil Tallon and Justus Hunter. In it, I was moved by John Wesley’s interpretation of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 in which Paul warns that there will come people who have the form of godliness but denying the power of God. Wesley shares his testimony that for the first thirty-five years of his life, he had the form, or the disciplines of religion, yet lacked the power of the Lord through the Holy Spirit.

On May 24th, 1738, Wesley finally experienced the power of the Lord as read from his journal:

“I went very unwillingly to [church] in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther’s Preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation, and an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” [4]

John Wesley was an Anglican priest at that point! He prayed, fasted, baptized, served Communion, and generally did what good, godly priests do. However, after Aldersgate, after years of asking the Lord for deeper faith, he finally experienced the power of God.

What’s amazing is that John Wesley didn’t stop doing the disciplines of godliness after Aldersgate; he practiced them all the more! Because power doesn’t replace form—it fills it. Like a remote car and batteries, or like a kite and wind, so are the disciplines of faith and the Power of the Holy Spirit. [5]

My encouragement to you this week: Are you feeling distant from God? Struggling to pray or submit? Try this: Physically bow before Him. He is our King after all! Let your body express the humility and surrender your heart yearns for. Repent of any hardness in your heart. Believe that God desires to pour out His love and Spirit upon you and strangely warm your heart. Let your faith in action of outward kara lead you to inner shaw-khaw. Let your outward act of faith – this humble posture – open the door to inner peace and joy. Remember: God always keeps His promises. He faithfully pours out His Spirit on all who sincerely seek Him. Wait on Him. He will not disappoint.

My Commitment to You: I’m not just preaching; I’m practicing. These words are born from my own experience. When I’ve diligently pursued these spiritual disciplines, and asked for Holy Spirit to fill me anew, I’ve witnessed God’s power flow into my life like wine filling a cup. Bowing before Him has softened my resistant heart and drawn me closer to Him.

 When’s the last time you bowed down to our King? Will you join me? Even when it feels difficult, let your faith in action lead your heart into repentance. You will be amazed at what God can do.




  4. Phil Tallon and Justus Hunter. The Absolute Basics of the Wesleyan Way. Page 14.
  5. Phil Tallon and Justus Hunter. The Absolute Basics of the Wesleyan Way. Page 17.


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