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Faith in Action




by | Nov 22, 2024 | Faith in Action | 0 comments

Reflections on Exodus 14-15.

But the Israelites had walked through the sea on dry ground, with the waters on their right and left like a wall to them. That day, the Lord saved Israel from the power of the Egyptians… When they saw the great power the Lord used against the Egyptians, they feared the Lord and believed in Him and His servant Moses. Ex. 14:29-31

We all know the story well. I get nostalgic thinking back to the movie The Prince of Egypt and the vivid imagery of the whale swimming within the massive wall of water illuminated by a bolt of lighting. What a marvelous event in history! After 400 years of brutal slavery, the Israelites were finally delivered from the clutches of the Egyptians. No wonder the Israelites sang with such exuberance:

Lord, who is like you among the gods? Who is like you, glorious in holiness, revered with praises, performing wonders?! Ex. 15:11

In a surprising turn of events, immediately following this amazing song of praise, the Israelites journeyed across the desert sands for three days without finding water. They eventually stumbled upon a bitter spring named Marah. 

The people grumbled to Moses, “What [the heck] are we going to drink?” (excuse my addition) Ex. 15:24

“Grumbled” is such perfect word imagery here. Whenever I think of the word grumble, I think of the burglar from Home Alone:

I am not going to lie; if I had to walk in their sandals, I’d be all grumbly, too! We all would! But the Lord in his Amazing Grace miraculously comes through for His people again and again:

So Moses cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree. When he threw it into the water, the water became drinkable. Ex. 15:25

At Marah, the Lord tested the Israelites. He could have provided everything they needed, but instead, He led them into a situation of lack, revealing the true colors of their hearts. This was the first of many such tests in the wilderness. And while they often grumbled, the Lord remained faithful, providing water, manna, and ultimately, the Promised Land.

Perhaps you’re currently experiencing a season of lack, or possibly you have everything you need. Maybe you’re at the waters of Marah, actin’ all bitter and grumbly! Regardless of our circumstances, we face a faith choice: to give thanks or grumble. To complain or to praise. In this context, Paul’s admonition becomes even more profound:

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Did you know our holiday ‘Thanksgiving’ in Spanish is ‘Día de Acción de Gracias,’ meaning ‘Day of Thankful Action’? Let’s obey the will of God and live out our FAITH IN THANKFUL ACTION! Give thanks to Jesus in all circumstances with a loud voice and sing songs of exuberant praise, for He is worthy! 

If you don’t know by now… Ya’Need Jesus! 


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